Current Priorities


Help us ensure that our AmeriCorps Seniors Volunteer Programs retain their funding in order to continue to positively impact our community.

These AmeriCorps Seniors programs, which include the Foster Grandparent Program, the Senior Companion Program and RSVP, meet critical community needs and have proven themselves as one of the best investments the federal government can make: every $1 Congress invests returns more than $17 in benefits to communities across the country just like ours. Let our U.S. Representatives and Senators know how important it is to maintain AmeriCorps and AmeriCorps Seniors Funding for Fiscal Year 2024.

State of Texas

texas state capitol building smallerFor the 2023 Texas State Legislative Session, The Senior Source set our priorities, mobilized hundreds of volunteers and celebrated the passage of several successful bills.

Click here to learn more about our priorities!

Click here to learn more about our successes!


City of Dallas

Dallas City Hall

For our city to be a vibrant, thriving community for all, we must invest in our older adult population, the only group growing at twice the rate of any other age group in this city, as well as the only group where poverty is increasing. The Senior Affairs Commission has recommended a focus and funding increase for senior programs. To read their full recommendations, click here.

In addition to signing up for advocacy alerts, City of Dallas residents are encouraged to attend town hall meetings in their district to let their City Council Members know that these aging priorities are important to the community.


Advocacy Group for Elders (AGE)

woman vote

AGE is The Senior Source’s public policy program. Staff and volunteers share information about legislation and policies affecting older adults and help ensure that public officials are informed and updated on these issues. They address concerns at the local, state, and national levels, and empower older adults to effectively influence their elected officials.  Join us today!

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