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North Texas Giving Day Booster: The Senior Source


“According to The Senior Source Caregiver Support Program Director Kimberly Knight,

“Caregiving for older adults in your life usually starts slowly. Your dad can’t drive on long trips anymore, so he needs you to drive with him to the class reunion. You are only in your 40s or 50s and you are juggling your career, your kids, and your home. ‘It will be fine,’ you think, we can manage it all. Before you know it, you are in your 60s or 70s and your mom breaks her hip, or your husband forgets your son’s name and you realize you are a caregiver. You are overwhelmed and you have no idea where to start looking for help.

“The Caregiver Support Program is one of the many ways The Senior Source addresses the emotional and financial well-being of older adults and those who care for them. Each year, we regularly consult with more than 2,000 people of all ages who are caring for an aging loved one.

“Caregiving impacts every generation and every relationship. Yvonne was in her 40s when she moved her grandfather with Parkinson’s from Illinois to Dallas to live with her and her son. Eddie was in his 50s when he began visiting his mother in her memory care facility every day after work. In her 70s, Minnieetta cared for Juan, her husband of 50-years with dementia.


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