The Senior Source
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Strategic Plan 2023-2026

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Our Purpose

Serving to uplift seniors because they matter.


Our Values

We have a heart and passion for the mission.

We put seniors at the center.

We all deserve a voice.

We are committed to growth.

We spread joy.


Our Envisioned Future

In the year 2048 The Senior Source will be able to say:

Because we exist seniors can now proudly assume their rightful positions as highly valued pillars of society.

We are proud to be the #1 expert on aging in America and THE standard for how best to serve seniors.

We have created a powerful sense of belonging and connection within, and beyond, our walls.


Our Strategic Plan

The seniors and their families we serve aren’t two-dimensional and neither are the services that we will offer. We must embrace efficient and effective solutions. We must provide a welcoming culture to new employees, and we must grow our sphere of influence. Join us in this next dimension of aging.


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EXPAND our reach to become the number one resource for seniors

  1. Provide access to underserved communities (Hispanic, Asian, LGTBQ, Disability)
  2. Digitize our knowledge
  3. Expand EFSC to address unmet needs
  4. Redefine Caregiver Support Program
  5. Develop and promote our dementia expertise

Learn more on our video!


DEEPEN client experience to maximize impact

  1. Collaborate across the organization to serve the WHOLE senior and caregiver
  2. Digitize our knowledge
  3. Increase standardization to improve quality of service and programs

Learn more on our video!


ELEVATE the awareness of the needs of seniors and the TSS

  1. Advance relevance with constituents, stakeholders and the community at large
  2. Be THE thought leader and expert on seniors in Dallas
  3. Humanize the numbers served

Learn more on our video!


STRENGTHEN Organizational Resilience

  1. Board
    1. Enhance Board engagement
    2. Diversify membership to diversify perspectives
  2.  Staff and operations and budget
    1. Diversify event fundraising
    2. Plan and execute next programmatic campaign (EFSC – 2024)
    3. Continue to make our staff our #1 priority
    4. Achieve Racial Equity Outcome Objectives

Learn more on our video!